Lose 10 Pounds Quick – 3 Tips to Shed Weight Faster Than the Time it Takes to Say Weighing Scales!

OK here we go, no fluff, no filler. You are reading this article because you want to lose 10 pounds quick. So here goes:-

1) Lose the Bread – Bread is one of the deadliest carbs when it comes to weight control. We never actually realise how much of the stuff we eat and also the effect it is having on our body! It’s going to be tough, but try it. So no sandwiches, just eat the filling! No dough based products, e.g. Pizza, rolls, croissants, bagels, etc.

Depending on how much you actually weigh, you could lose your target weight within 7 to 10 days by avoiding bread. If you need to lose that weight even quicker, you could try dropping pasta, rice and potatoes for a few days too. Always find a healthy alternative, rather than potatoes, try sweet potatoes. Rather than pasta or rice try cous cous and instead of bread, pile your plate up with salad.

2) Exercise the largest muscles in your body. This actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it. The larger the muscle, the more energy required to move it. The more energy required, the more fat and calories will be burned. Your largest muscles are your legs, back and chest. So any exercise involving these muscles will burn twice as much fat as exercising say your shoulders, arms or abs.

If you want to lose 10 pounds quick, try a lot of leg based exercises as these are definitely the biggest muscles in the body. Stair climbing, walking/running, squats, lunges, deadlifts, jumping jacks…the list goes on. Just try and be creative and make sure that you are active in some way most days.

3) Eat less each meal – Our body’s get worse at burning fat and calories throughout the day. If you think about this, we get more lethargic and tired throughout the day. Therefore, we are less active as the day draws to an end. So in order to combat this, your food consumption should lessen throughout the day.

You may of heard the saying, “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper”. So your largest meal of the day should be breakfast, a smaller lunch and quick supper. Supplement your mealtimes with a couple of healthy snacks in between meals (fruit and nuts) and drink water before and after each meal and throughout the day. It won’t take long to get into this habit and it will definitely help you lose 10 pounds quick!

Please take the time to read the next page. It is the story of The 650 Pound Virgin a recent televised documentary. It follows this guy from his darkest days, where he contemplated suicide, to his amazing transformation.

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Lose 10 Pounds Quick – 3 Tips to Shed Weight Faster Than the Time it Takes to Say Weighing Scales!

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