Rapid Weight Loss Tips – Lose Weight Faster Than Fast!

Have you ever wanted to lose weight rapidly for a special occasion or just to feel better? Maybe you have a wedding coming up or high school reunion. Or maybe you are just sick of the flab and want to get it off fast. Well you can get rid of extra pounds fast and you can keep it off! The key is to pick the correct rapid weight loss program that suits your personality and to make a few changes in your lifestyle. As with any diet program consult a doctor, prior to starting, to make sure it is right for you.

There are 4 steps to a rapid weight loss program;

1. Pick a quick weight loss diet

2. Pick a rapid fat burning exercise

3. Pick supplements that support the body (optional)

4. Follow a few quick diet tips

There are a number of safe effective rapid weight loss programs on the internet. Find one that does not eliminate food groups or require fancy foods. Most of these programs work by “shaking” up your metabolism. A few start with a total body detox to eliminate the toxins that may have built up in your body.

Next select an exercise that will get your metabolism kicked up a notch. Pick one you will do. Do you want intensity or do you prefer to feel like you are playing. There are lots of different types of exercise including the exercise program that is right for you because you will do it! Some good exercise activities to consider include walking, intense cardio, interval training and others.

Taking supplements is optional. But there are a variety of supplements on the market that provide extra support to the body so losing weight is easier. These may include antioxidants to give an extra boost to your efforts.

To help ensure diet success follow a few rapid fat loss tips. This includes learning how to control the downfalls that befall most diets. A few simple techniques will make getting off the pounds so much easier.

To learn simple techniques for fast diet success, visit my Fast Weight Loss Tips site to get your personalized plan for the fastest, most effective way to lose fat, increase energy and health.

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16:8 DIET Popularized by Martin Berkhan, LeanGains, or 16/8, is a style of IF in which the fasting period is 16 hours and the feeding window is shortened to …

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Rapid Weight Loss Tips – Lose Weight Faster Than Fast!

25 thoughts on “Rapid Weight Loss Tips – Lose Weight Faster Than Fast!

  1. Awkward Lindsey says:

    People are so unaware that when you don’t eat for a large amount of time…
    your body will think that its starving. So when you DO finally eat, your
    body is gonna store even more fat because its afraid that it will starve
    again causing you to gain more weight. My mom is an RN and thats how i know
    this information.
    This “diet” may work at first but, your body is gonna freak out later on a
    store more fat.

    Just eat regular healthy meals 3 times a day and exercise daily and you
    will lead a healthier lifestyle. Please dont go by this diet, its unhealthy
    and you’ll get worse results. 


  2. Sandra Scott says:

    Well to be honest i don’t think that it’s that easy to drop 5 pounds in a
    week but i’ll give it a try anyway 🙂 Actually i’m reading the new Ricky
    Dawson’s free report “The 7 Golden Tips” . It also contains a lot of
    valuable information on how to lose weight fast. Thank you for inspiring me


  3. Maktoom Almazrouei says:

    That’s why muslims fasting in Ramadan , but why they are fasting in
    specific month ?

    This is not discovered yet .

    So try to fast with thim for month and take it as a chance to lose weight

    * This is not an invitation to be a Muslim *

    But an advice

    Good luck to all 


  4. 21AnimeOtaku says:

    how can i lose weight fast? im 16 and weigh about 75 kilograms and thats
    bad… during the summer i only drank water excercised every other day for
    3 months and went swimming the days i did not excercise. I would run for
    about and hour a day and sprint 5 min at a time while running and i only
    lost about 3 pounds, you could guess how mad i was. My sister said that it
    was because i dont sweat easily and its true it takes a lot for me to sweat
    mainly my heart rate goes up. Now its darker earlier and my school is far
    from where i live, it gets out around 4pm and i got home on tje city bus
    around 5:30pm and by then its dark, too dark for me to run. Healthy eating
    and diet is hard for me cause where i live vegetables and fruits are VERY
    expensive just for a 16oz of raspberries its like 3 bucks and the other
    fruit/veggies are hard to get. I need help badly, ive even conisidered
    anorexia (yes i know its bad and ive decided not) but im sick of my weight
    and i want to change it so plz someone help me.


  5. shahrazooda says:

    That is what Muslims do in the month of Ramadan.. we fast from dawn until
    sundown, almost 14 -18 hours of fasting every day for 29-30 days. 


  6. Loren T S says:

    I have been doing that for 3 years apparently. Cause when I wake up I don’t
    have time to eat so I go to school. That is a 20 minute workout by bike.
    Then I have to wait for lunchtime. Yep 


  7. GamingCentral says:

    Who ever sees this follow me on Instagram @jazz101234

    Ok lets get to the point
    Im fat, lazy, and desperate to be 90 pounds cause I’m at 135.7 and i feel
    like crap. I don’t look like i would weigh that much but i do and i have
    once went an entire day with just water because i feel fat. My mom has
    talked to me about this because when ever i grab something that isn’t good
    for me she is like ” you know that is bad for you and makes you gain weight
    and blah blah and further more blah!” And right after that i go to my room
    and cry. Im a junk food junkie and I’m a picky person ( p.s. I try every
    food i come in contact with but i usually don’t like it ) i have a real
    problem and i go to karate every saturday and thursday but i don’t get much
    exercise from that. People are like to me your fat your ugly go to hell and
    i almost started cutting. Please help me i want to loose weight but i have
    a hard time eating healthy because i constantly crave junk. But i don’t
    want my mom or dad seeing me exercise because my mom will be like ” wow
    your getting exercise for once ” and i get mad. When I’m bored i feel
    hungry but when I’m hungry and I’m watching tv my mom will be like ” YOU
    CANT EAT! Your eating out of boredom and you need to go outside ” well
    excuse me but don’t you hear my stomach sounding like chewbacca. like it
    goes grrrrrr and the ground practically shakes and you want to tell me i
    cant eat. I have trouble exercising as well not because I’m the whale that
    swallowed Jonah in the bible but that i don’t have the strength to use my
    arms or my legs for a long time. I believe their is hope and that i can do
    it but someone i need help and encouragement please tell me ways i can
    loose weight and for my mom not to notice until i reach my goal of 90 and
    that very dad i show her and she is proud. I can remain 90 pounds hopefully
    if i reach that goal. Please tell me the best and fun way of exercising.

    Please im Praying on you people



  8. sweetdrag0n says:

    Fasting for 16 hours a day isn’t a new concept. Every year for ramamdan
    1.5billion Muslims do this for 30 days straight. It is actually very
    beneficial. 🙂 


  9. dance rebel girl says:

    fasting for 16 hrs is nothing. I have to fast for a month and am only
    allowed to eat at night because of Ramadan and it is in summer so days are
    longer :-/


  10. Quinn Stilwell says:

    I don’t eat breakfast every day or sometimes lunch but the rest of that
    time I snack so I guess I’m doing a form of this idk if I am… 


  11. asmcriminaL says:

    There are no advantages in terms of fat loss doing IF(intemrittent
    fasting). It’s about calories, it always has been always will be. If you
    consume the same amount of calories on IF or in a standard meal layout.
    Results will be the same. IF just makes it easier sometimes to eat less
    calories, nothing more.


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