Weight Loss Shake Recipes – Lose Weight Faster and Quicker With a Smoothie Or a Delicious Shake

Are you getting bored with the same old diet menu? Have you hit a plateau, and need something fun to keep you motivated? Do you miss delicious, sweet treats because you’re dieting? Then get ready for some delicious, nutritious weight loss shake recipes that will help you reach your goal, all without boring you to tears.

Studies have shown that replacing a meal with a healthy weight loss smoothie – especially if that meal is breakfast – will boost your metabolism and fill you up without all the calories from a meal.

But there are some important elements to a true weight loss shake that differ them from, say, a milkshake at your favorite burger joint.

• For instance, using skim milk or soy milk will greatly reduce the calorie and fat content. For an even better alternative, try using skim milk powder with the rest being water. You get all of the creaminess with none of the calories.

• Unless you are on a monitored weight loss plan that involves significant amounts of weight training, it’s not recommended to add protein powder to your shake or smoothie. You’re going to get enough of your protein form your meals for the day.

• However, additions such as flax seed oil – which gives you a nice dose of Omega 3 acids as well as other benefits – won’t change the taste of your shake at all, but will make it healthier. Wheat germ or wheat germ oil is another good one, as it lowers cholesterol and helps overall stamina.

So, are you ready for some delicious weight loss shake recipes?


Your basic mixture for any smoothie is going to be water. You can use crushed ice for a more dense or frozen concoction.

Use half water and half skim milk or soy milk. Or, use all water and a tablespoon of skim milk powder. Or, you can add yogurt instead for a super-creamy consistency.

Add any other powders or oils that are recommended for your weight loss plan.

Cut up the fruit you want to add into roughly even sizes, so your blender can mix it evenly and it won’t be too lumpy. Again, for a frozen shake texture, you can freeze your cut-up fruit chunks and add them whenever you’re ready.

Weight loss shake recipe ideas:

• Bananas give you potassium and make any shake extra smooth.

• Blueberries are powerful antioxidants, and give your shake a refreshing bite!

• Add coconut and pineapple for a pina colada that will help you lose weight!

• If you’re missing your calorie-laden frappucinos, add a tablespoon of instant coffee before blending.

• Add two teaspoons of honey for a sweeter treat!

• Chocolate addict? Add some carob powder for the taste that won’t go to your hips.

• A half a teaspoon of vanilla can give you a dessert shake without having to splurge on cake or sweets.

• If you’re looking for a little bit of extra protein that tastes great, add a teaspoon of low-fat peanut butter – or even raw-food peanuts for a crunch!

• Kiwi gives you a fresh new taste that is a bit exotic as well – and you get more potassium and vitamin C than bananas or oranges! And it’s a powerful antioxidant, too.

As you can see, weight loss shake recipes are huge time savers, they taste good, and they’re just plain fun. Take advantage of this short cut and knock a dress size off of your figure.

Come on!

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Weight Loss Shake Recipes – Lose Weight Faster and Quicker With a Smoothie Or a Delicious Shake

Three Tips To A Faster Metabolism And Faster Weight Loss

As you go about your fat loss workout and diet program, one underlying factor that is going to have a huge influence on whether or not you see success is how fast your metabolism is. The faster your basal metabolic rate, which represents how many calories you burn off on a daily basis, the faster fat loss will take place.

Since fat loss does come down to how many calories you burn off versus how many calories you consume, any time you can increase the difference between these two values in your favour, you’ll see a rise in your progress.

So, rather than doing whatever you can to exercise more to burn more calories or cut down on how much you eat to reduce your calorie intake, start looking for ways that you can increase your metabolic rate so that you naturally speed up fat loss without having to do much more work.

Let’s look at three quick and easy things that you can do to accomplish just that.

Eat More Protein

The first way to get an instant boost to your metabolism is to increase your protein intake. Protein is the one macronutrient in the diet that will actually cause the body to burn up a number of calories just breaking it down through the process of digestion, so by adding more protein to your day, you can increase your metabolism after a meal by up to 25%.

Just note this doesn’t mean all you should eat is protein as that would not be healthy or wise, but you should definitely focus on adding more protein to each meal and snack when you can.

Add Intervals To Your Workout

Second, another sneaky way to dramatically boost your metabolism is to add some interval training to your cardio workouts.

When you alternate between very intense activity and shorter rest periods you’re going to force the body to work harder and in doing so, cause it to expend a number of calories even after the exercise session is completed.

When you do interval cardio training as your chosen cardio session you will burn hundreds of calories more throughout the day then if you didn’t and just slugged it out at the same old boring moderate intensity.

Interval training is one of the fastest ways to dramatically enhance fat loss, so shake up your usual cardio session a bit and you can see significant benefits.

Have A Cheat Day

Yes, that’s right – you read that correctly. A ‘cheat day’ where you actually give in to temptation and indulge in whatever food you happen to be craving can actually be the perfect thing to speed up your metabolism so you burn fat faster.

How does this work?

The reason why a cheat day can be so effective is because after a week or two of low calorie dieting, your metabolism will grow sluggish. This is normal and natural and will occur any time you reduce your calories under maintenance.

By having that cheat day though where you take in many more calories than normal, you’re sending a signal to the body that it can speed its metabolism back up. Hence, you see a nice boost to your metabolic rate and then when you move back down to the low calorie diet, fat loss starts up full speed ahead again.

Plus, you also get to have a nice mental break from feeling restricted as well, which offers numerous benefits in terms of sticking with that diet program.

So be sure that you keep these three tips in mind. If you start applying them to your program today, it won’t be long before you’re looking noticeably leaner.

Dana Jafferman is a diet and nutrition expert who works out everyday. To improve personal performance, she uses the Thumper Massager she found at Better Health Innovations before and after she works out on her AeroPilates reformer.

Three Tips To A Faster Metabolism And Faster Weight Loss

Ways to Achieve Faster Weight Loss

These days, physical appearance is still one of the main criteria we are judged by. Unfortunately, our hectic lifestyles, the busy schedules and the huge amount of stress we are subjected to are just few of the reasons why we keep gaining weight. We all know that in order to lose weight, all we need to do is eat healthy and go to the gym regularly. Easy to say, almost impossible to achieve, for many of us. The power of will is often over-estimated when it comes to our own weight, and we become touchy every time people around us say ‘Oh, your seem to have gained a few pounds’.

Most people at some point in their life will want or try to lose a few pounds. The following weight loss methods are not recommended for people trying to lose few pounds. Morbid obesity though, is a serious condition that should be treated accordingly, and it’s understandable that a simple diet will never pay off. Remember do not underestimate the power of a good diet and regular training, but if those if you still need a lot of help and need to lose weight fast you may consider the following:

1. Liposuction is considered a cosmetic intervention, but the recovery takes time (both for your body & for your wallet). Liposuction can give fast results, but don’t think that you can eat just as before, after the intervention. Diet and exercise are required in order to maintain the results, otherwise you’re back right where you started.

2. Gastric bypass is one of the last alternatives, usually recommended for people with body fat exceeding 60%. This surgical procedure diminishes the stomach size in order to limit the food intake.

3. Pills, in form of laxatives or appetite suppressors can be helpful, with one condition: always take them with a doctor’s prescription.

If you are looking for a natural and fast way to lose weight you should consider using natural weight loss supplements. They work fast and can lead to great and stable results. Some of the most popular natural weight loss supplements are made from the acai berry. Because they are made from natural ingredients they not only help you lose weight but they also increase your energy level.

http://www.losingweightbiz.com is one of the most trusted online resources for analyzing, testing and reviewing health and beauty supplements. Feel free to visit the website to learn about the best acai weight loss supplements and other health products on the market today.

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Ways to Achieve Faster Weight Loss

Treadmill Weight Loss – 3 Tips To Help You Burn Calories Faster

Picture this – tighter, more defined abs, pants that zip up way too easily, clothes that hang so loose on you – you have to go shopping for new ones. And a killer body that looks great from EVERY angle.

Is it possible? It’s not only possible but very attainable when you use a few tricks on your treadmill to lose weight.

How can you lose weight with your treadmill?

There are several ways actually – and this article will give you some treadmill tips to lose weight in the way that suits you best:

#1 Burn More Calories with High Inclines

Incline trainers are a new take on the classic treadmill. They work the same way as a treadmill but give you higher inclines, sometimes up to 40% (vs 10% or 15% on a standard treadmill).

Why does this work?

Because it’s been shown that walking at a high incline can burn as much as 5 times the calories as walking on a flat plain.

Yes, you read that right – 5 Times.

That means you could be seeing results 5 times faster. You’ll be cinching up that belt and dancing around in your bathing suit 5 times faster.

Now granted, it can be very challenging to walk at a 40% incline for a half hour straight, especially if you’re just starting out. But even if you walk on a 0% incline for a while and then build in high-incline intervals, you’ll still be blasting away major calories – and fitting into those skinny jeans sooner.

If you’re looking for proof – look no further than several of the contestants on the show TV show “The Biggest Loser”. Several of them have gone on record as saying that one of their secrets for fast weight loss is high incline walking.

#2 Split Your Workout Up Into Two Smaller Workouts

This tip was given to me from a very slim personal trainer who specializes in helping clients lose weight fast.

She said that one of the ways to “fool” your body into burning more calories is to split up your regular workout. Instead of 1 hour-long workout, split it into 2 mini-workouts, one in the morning and one at night.

The reason this helps you lose weight faster is that whenever you workout, your metabolism gets cranked into high gear for several hours afterwards.

When you workout at different times during the day, instead of once, your metabolism is running on high for longer.

#3 Take Advantage of the New Treadmill Weight Loss Workout Tools

Many of the newer treadmills coming out now will actually help you to lose weight. Some of them offer built-in weight loss workouts.

Others offer exercise programs you can download from the Internet. The voice of a personal trainer will coach you through your workout so you get a more effective, calorie-burning session.

There are even some treadmills that offer online tools that can help you track your workouts over time, set workout goals and keep track of your weight, food choices and more.

There are even some that let you listen to your iPod or surf the Net while you walk – which helps to make your workouts much more entertaining – and longer. Which means more calories burned.

So those are 3 ways to lose weight with a treadmill. There are lots more but the main point is that your treadmill can be your greatest “secret” weapon for looking good this summer.

Some treadmills are better than others for this – be sure to check out what’s on the market before you buy in order to find the weight loss treadmill that’s right for you.

Want a treadmill that helps you lose weight? Find a list of the best treadmills for weight loss at Treadmill Weight Loss

Or for the latest treadmill reviews and ratings visit Treadmill Reviews – a site helping you find a better treadmill for less.

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Treadmill Weight Loss – 3 Tips To Help You Burn Calories Faster

10 Tips For Faster Weight Loss – How Can Acai Berry Help?

Losing weight can be a challenge, especially if you have many pounds to shed. It can be difficult to sift through all the fad diets, and downright dangerous supplements and pills on the market today. How do you know what works and what doesn’t? Whom should you believe?

Here are 10 no-nonsense tips for fast, healthy weight loss:

1) Drink 8-10 glasses of water each day – this helps flush your body of impurities and fat. You can also substitute a few glasses of water for green or herbal tea.
2) Break up your meals into 5 or 6 smaller ones – this will help speed up your metabolism and keep you from getting too hungry in between meals.
3) Increase your fruit and vegetable intake – these are packed with vitamins.
4) Decrease your fat intake – try for no more than 20 grams per day.
5) Exercise for 30 minutes each day – take a walk, or play a game with your kids. Just get moving.
6) Find a hobby – take up knitting or painting to keep your hands busy.
7) Don’t eat that late night snack – Try not to eat for at least 2 hours before going to bed.
8) Listen to your body – your body will tell you when it is full, hungry, stressed, tired. Learn the signs and obey what your body is telling you.
9) Increase your fiber – choose whole grain pasta and bread.
10) Cleanse and detoxify – this may be the most important. Rid your body of harmful toxins and chemicals, while allowing it to function normally.

Cleansing is an important part of long-term weight loss success. Our bodies are laden with insecticides, pesticides, lead, and dozens of other harmful substances. These chemicals clog our internal organs and our bodies respond by coating these chemicals with layers of fat.

One way to cleanse your body of harmful impurities is by using Acai Berry. This fruit is a nutritional powerhouse and will get your body functioning normally again, so it can fight illness and disease. It will also allow your body to burn calories and fat faster and more efficiently. You will see a faster rate of weight loss, and you will be able to keep it off.

Acai berry has many health benefits as well, including increased circulation, increased metabolism, and increased mental clarity and focus.

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10 Tips For Faster Weight Loss – How Can Acai Berry Help?

Weight Loss Tips to Help You Burn Fat Naturally and Faster!

I am sure you are tired of doing all these harmful fad diets that just leave you fat and sad. Well there are so many best ways to lose weight but which is the best way for you? Some people believe in using drugs to lose fat they want, this is very harmful and after you stop taking the pills your weight will return bad to normal or worse. When these diet pills become adaptive in your system your body will stop burning fat naturally making you reliant on these harmful diet drugs. The best possible way is to lose weight naturally by speeding up your metabolism.

Here I have provided a few short tips that will help your body to burn fat naturally.

Regular exercise.

The benefits of regular exercise are endless and research suggests that people that have regular exercise are more likely to live longer than none frequent exercisers. Working out is one of the most effective ways to boost your metabolism. When you have a fast metabolism your body will burn fat faster and more effectively. Even brisk walking around your block once a day will help speed up your metabolism. So start somewhere and move up as you go along. You have to walk before you can run.

Don’t skip meals or stave.

The greatest problem with most dieters is that they are under the impression if they are starving themselves and skipping meals they going to lose weight faster, this is very untrue. When you skip a meal your body goes into a fat storage mode and slow down your metabolic rate. To keep your body in fat burning mode you need to provide your body with the correct blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Eat regularly.

Eating regularly will keep your bodies’ sugar levels at the correct levels, turning your body into a fat burning machine. You should eat 4-6 small highly nutritional meals a day but a minimum of 3. While you eat regularly your body will expect the regular energy and find no need to store fat for later so to not put your body into fat storing mode you need to provide it with the correct amount of foods at the correct times.

Well there are many ways to lose weight effectively but the trick is to keep your body in fat burning mode. Most people don’t know what foods, how much of the foods and what times to eat these foods. Well I have uncovered a diet that will give you the information you need and will make you lose 9 pounds of fat in 11 days no problem. This guide was designed to unlock your fat burning hormones to turn your body into a mean fat burning machine. This guide even allows you to cheat 3 days of the 11 day plan and they even recommend it.

Richard Powell is an author for this article. To know more about loosing weight quickly visit our site at http://www.howtoloseweightfasts.net/.

We are confident that after reading weight loss secrets you will lose your weight within 15 days.

Weight Loss Tips to Help You Burn Fat Naturally and Faster!

Rapid Weight Loss Tips – Lose Weight Faster Than Fast!

Have you ever wanted to lose weight rapidly for a special occasion or just to feel better? Maybe you have a wedding coming up or high school reunion. Or maybe you are just sick of the flab and want to get it off fast. Well you can get rid of extra pounds fast and you can keep it off! The key is to pick the correct rapid weight loss program that suits your personality and to make a few changes in your lifestyle. As with any diet program consult a doctor, prior to starting, to make sure it is right for you.

There are 4 steps to a rapid weight loss program;

1. Pick a quick weight loss diet

2. Pick a rapid fat burning exercise

3. Pick supplements that support the body (optional)

4. Follow a few quick diet tips

There are a number of safe effective rapid weight loss programs on the internet. Find one that does not eliminate food groups or require fancy foods. Most of these programs work by “shaking” up your metabolism. A few start with a total body detox to eliminate the toxins that may have built up in your body.

Next select an exercise that will get your metabolism kicked up a notch. Pick one you will do. Do you want intensity or do you prefer to feel like you are playing. There are lots of different types of exercise including the exercise program that is right for you because you will do it! Some good exercise activities to consider include walking, intense cardio, interval training and others.

Taking supplements is optional. But there are a variety of supplements on the market that provide extra support to the body so losing weight is easier. These may include antioxidants to give an extra boost to your efforts.

To help ensure diet success follow a few rapid fat loss tips. This includes learning how to control the downfalls that befall most diets. A few simple techniques will make getting off the pounds so much easier.

To learn simple techniques for fast diet success, visit my Fast Weight Loss Tips site to get your personalized plan for the fastest, most effective way to lose fat, increase energy and health.

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16:8 DIET Popularized by Martin Berkhan, LeanGains, or 16/8, is a style of IF in which the fasting period is 16 hours and the feeding window is shortened to …

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Rapid Weight Loss Tips – Lose Weight Faster Than Fast!

Weight Loss Steps That Will Build You Lose Weight Faster

Weight Loss Steps That Will Build You Lose Weight Faster
One among the foremost vital things to contemplate when you want to lose weight fast is whether or not or not you believe you have got the can power to induce the work done. Accepting the fact that you are overweight or obese is [*fr1] the battle. Once you admit to the matter you can begin working on correcting it and losing weight.
Initial, verify why you think that you gained therefore much weight. Does one over eat when you’re unhappy? Does one over eat when you’re upset? Determining what your trigger is can facilitate your avoid those situations. If you over eat when you’re upset then develop a plan that you’ll be able to put in place when one thing upsets you. What calms you down, besides food, when you are upset? It could be a phone decision to a good friend or to your mom.
Place your plan in writing so it is official. If you over eat when you’re bored and don’t have anything to try and do, then take a class or be a part of an activity group. You’ll be able to also select a walk or post your thought to your own personal weight loss blog. Knowing the trigger and avoiding it can facilitate your reach your weight loss goal quicker.
Another tip which will facilitate your lose weight faster is to drink lots of water. Create the water as cold as you can stand. Your body’s internal thermometer should work more durable to heat your body if you are drinking ice cold water all day long. This causes your body to burn more calories. The water can additionally flush out your system and hydrate your skin. It is a win win situation.
Did you know that staying regular will conjointly help with weight loss and along with your digestion? If you are constantly bloated and constipated your body will be out of shape and you may not feel well. Eating foods with probiotics can facilitate your regulate your digestion and obtain your body back to normal. Constipation isn’t fun for anyone.
Finally, you ought to build a plan to become a lot of active. Start out slow and work your manner up to a lot of and additional activity. Many individuals think they need to leap into a strenuous aerobic workout every day however doing this sometimes ends up in diet failure. People give up because they expected manner too much of themselves. Let’s face it. When you’re out of form and over weight you can not do the workouts and activities of a thin person.
Begin out with the basics. You’ll start by taking long walks, then power walks, and then finally walking with weights. Once you mastered the fundamentals you’ll be able to add in more things. If you join a health club be positive to let them know that you wish to start out out with the fundamentals and then slowly add in more and additional machines and exercises. Seeing the progress you make each week will solely serve to pump you up and build you want to reach your weight loss goal.

Ernie Morales has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Weight Loss, you can also check out latest website about

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Weight Loss Steps That Will Build You Lose Weight Faster

Healthy Eating For Weight Loss – 5 Ways to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight Faster

There are three things that you must have if you want to achieve permanent weight loss. They are: good nutrition, regular exercise, and the right mind state. What you eat and how you eat affects, to a large extent, your weight gain/loss. In this article, I present 5 habits that make for healthy eating for weight loss. Gradually, but steadily, make each of them a habit that you live by each day. Before you know it, you will have developed a much healthier eating lifestyle. Healthy eating for weight loss has a lot to do with forming the right habits.

1. Breakfast is Your Most Important Meal of the Day

You’ve probably heard this before, and it’s true. After about 10 hours of fasting, your body needs fuel to get you going through the day. Breakfast is a way to supply your body with the energy it needs to function for the rest of the day. You will have more energy and will be more alert after eating breakfast.

So, before you rush out each morning, take a few minutes and give your body the treat it so much deserves – have a healthy breakfast. Your body will thank you for it.

Also, make your children eat breakfast as well. They will be more alert in school and they will concentrate better.

2. Don’t Miss Lunch

it sounds logically correct that when you skip lunch, you lose weight faster right? Wrong. When you skip lunch, your blood sugar levels drop, your metabolism slows down to compensate for the missing fuel and when you finally get home you are starving so you eat anything in sight. That’s a perfect recipe for weight gain.

One of the requirements of healthy eating for weight loss is; never skip your lunch or any meal for that matter.

Have small, but frequent meals each day. That way, your body doesn’t run out on energy, and you don’t eat too much. Savvy?

3. Snack Frequently

As a rule of thumb, never allow yourself to go hungry at anytime. You need to have something in your stomach at all times. Your body needs energy to burn more fats so you need to supply it with the energy it needs. Yes, you can’t eat whole meals frequently. So, snack – not on junks though. You can have healthy snacks: Apples, Oranges, Nuts, Pretzels etc. Eat anything you want (in small quantities), just make sure you have something in your stomach at all times. Don’t go hungry.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

70% of your body is water, so it is only natural that water becomes your natural source of refreshment. To perform at its best, your body has to stay well hydrated. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Water contains no calories; so your body uses up more to raise it to your body temperature. This increases your metabolism and elevates your weight loss progress. In fact, research has shown that you can speed up your metabolism by 1/3 just by drinking several glasses of ice water each day.

5. Don’t Eat Late

Having an early dinner gives your body time to digest most of the food before you shut down for the 7 hours. But we are so busy that we are always tempted to put off dinner until the last minute.

Remember, you need to make each of these tips part of your daily habits to succeed. Now, it takes approximately 21 days to form a new habit. So when you slip, don’t kick yourself – you may, just don’t do it hard – know that you need to pick yourself up, and continue. You will be doing this probably for the rest of your life so you can as well get used to it.

Finally, healthy eating for weight loss is not complicated or difficult at all. One step at a time brings you closer to your goal. All the best.

Samuel Pinn

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Healthy Eating For Weight Loss – 5 Ways to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight Faster

Faster Weight Loss Tips – How to Lose Weight Every Week?

Looking for tips to lose weight quickly are not very effective, but also natural and very easy to do? Read on to discover 5 easy tips to lose weightand up to many of body fat every week! 

1 – Make the casein protein Nightly – To prevent catabolism (muscle loss) to help speed up your metabolism, and more, I recommend you get casein protein before going to bed. This can be a kind of late night snack. That’s really healthy and advisable for the night! The best type of casein protein can be yogurt, protein shakes, casein, and more. 

2 – Calorie Rotation – When you eat the same foods every day in the same pattern, your metabolism on its laurels. However, if the alternative strategy of nutrient intake (using a special technique), this will keep your metabolism running incredibly fast, and you’re on the right track to weight loss.

3 – Drink apple cider vinegar – First things first. I have to be honest with you, the apple cider vinegar tastes very questionable … and that is to say the least! However, this miracle drink is … a miracle! Not only will it help curb your appetite, but also accelerate your metabolism and improve your overall health as well. 

4 – Has fiber before every meal – To curb your appetite and feel full by eating smaller meals, you can not go wrong with having some sort of fiber before each meal. What I recommend for you to do is have either a small apple, a handful of almonds, or some dark green leafy vegetables. 

5 – high intensity workouts – I know it’s much easier to do low intensity exercise, but if you really want to lose many kilos a week high intensity training is the best thing to do. The good news about this type of exercise is not only very effective, but also takes much less time to do.

Get the weight you desire now by learning the audio and video on fast lose weight tips.

Full weight loss videos and tips can be downloaded via http://www.fast-lose-weight-tips.infofor limited time only! Click the link to download now!


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Faster Weight Loss Tips – How to Lose Weight Every Week?