Treadmill Weight Loss – 3 Tips To Help You Burn Calories Faster

Picture this – tighter, more defined abs, pants that zip up way too easily, clothes that hang so loose on you – you have to go shopping for new ones. And a killer body that looks great from EVERY angle.

Is it possible? It’s not only possible but very attainable when you use a few tricks on your treadmill to lose weight.

How can you lose weight with your treadmill?

There are several ways actually – and this article will give you some treadmill tips to lose weight in the way that suits you best:

#1 Burn More Calories with High Inclines

Incline trainers are a new take on the classic treadmill. They work the same way as a treadmill but give you higher inclines, sometimes up to 40% (vs 10% or 15% on a standard treadmill).

Why does this work?

Because it’s been shown that walking at a high incline can burn as much as 5 times the calories as walking on a flat plain.

Yes, you read that right – 5 Times.

That means you could be seeing results 5 times faster. You’ll be cinching up that belt and dancing around in your bathing suit 5 times faster.

Now granted, it can be very challenging to walk at a 40% incline for a half hour straight, especially if you’re just starting out. But even if you walk on a 0% incline for a while and then build in high-incline intervals, you’ll still be blasting away major calories – and fitting into those skinny jeans sooner.

If you’re looking for proof – look no further than several of the contestants on the show TV show “The Biggest Loser”. Several of them have gone on record as saying that one of their secrets for fast weight loss is high incline walking.

#2 Split Your Workout Up Into Two Smaller Workouts

This tip was given to me from a very slim personal trainer who specializes in helping clients lose weight fast.

She said that one of the ways to “fool” your body into burning more calories is to split up your regular workout. Instead of 1 hour-long workout, split it into 2 mini-workouts, one in the morning and one at night.

The reason this helps you lose weight faster is that whenever you workout, your metabolism gets cranked into high gear for several hours afterwards.

When you workout at different times during the day, instead of once, your metabolism is running on high for longer.

#3 Take Advantage of the New Treadmill Weight Loss Workout Tools

Many of the newer treadmills coming out now will actually help you to lose weight. Some of them offer built-in weight loss workouts.

Others offer exercise programs you can download from the Internet. The voice of a personal trainer will coach you through your workout so you get a more effective, calorie-burning session.

There are even some treadmills that offer online tools that can help you track your workouts over time, set workout goals and keep track of your weight, food choices and more.

There are even some that let you listen to your iPod or surf the Net while you walk – which helps to make your workouts much more entertaining – and longer. Which means more calories burned.

So those are 3 ways to lose weight with a treadmill. There are lots more but the main point is that your treadmill can be your greatest “secret” weapon for looking good this summer.

Some treadmills are better than others for this – be sure to check out what’s on the market before you buy in order to find the weight loss treadmill that’s right for you.

Want a treadmill that helps you lose weight? Find a list of the best treadmills for weight loss at Treadmill Weight Loss

Or for the latest treadmill reviews and ratings visit Treadmill Reviews – a site helping you find a better treadmill for less.

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Treadmill Weight Loss – 3 Tips To Help You Burn Calories Faster